Neither Alonso nor Zidane: Perez finds the perfect replacement for Carlo Ancelotti at Real Madrid!

At Real Madrid, the present is of great interest without neglecting the future dimensions, which is crucial given that the club cannot stop progressing, the current assessment does not leave any room for rest

Carlo Ancelotti, Real Madrid coach, is under contract with the club until the summer of 2026, having renewed his contract last December for two more years and the expiry date of the contract was determined by a deliberate decision and not randomly

According to information from the Spanish newspaper Defensa Central: Florentino Pérez, club president, is considering several possible options to succeed the Italian coach in the event that he decides to leave the club permanently and among the names put forward, a new candidate has emerged who could have a major impact, which was not expected

At the moment, Carlo Ancelotti is fully focused on official competitions, well aware of the demands of modern football and especially in a club like Real Madrid, where results and titles are the main criteria

In parallel, Florentino Pérez and José Ángel Sánchez are working on strategies for the future, taking into account that Ancelotti’s contract runs until June 2026. Among these strategies, the figure of Davide Ancelotti, Carlo’s son, who is highly regarded at the club, is being seriously considered

Real Madrid values ​​Davide Ancelotti’s performance as one of the assistant coaches and knows that a large part of the team’s daily work is done thanks to his efforts. Although Davide lacks the extensive experience that his father has, the club sees great potential in him and considers him a promising option for the future

This appreciation has been communicated to father and son, as both Carlo and Davide believe that the Italian coach’s son will become a worthy successor to Carlo at the helm of Real Madrid in the near future

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